Literature Class of 2014

Literature Class of 2014
Fyffe Senior bloggers worked on Battle of the Royal Epics

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Beowulf vs Gilgamesh

  In my opinion I enjoyed the epic Beowulf more than Gilgamesh , because Beowulf's heroic action was for the people, whereas  Gilgamesh does it simply for self fame. I think that Beowulf  is a perfect example of a hero,and Gilgamesh is more like a normal towns person wanting fame. Beowulf puts his life on the line to serve and to protect the Danes from Grendel. When Gilgamesh ventures into the forest to attack Humbaba, he exposes his best friend Enkidu to the danger of the monster. Instead of taking the lead and protecting his friend he allows Humbaba to attack and kill his small friend Enkidu . If I could be like either of these heroes I would chose Beowulf, because Beowulf possesses  great bravery and courage that everyone can appreciate.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you because Beowulf exemplified the true ideals of an epic hero. He was generous in offering to rid all evil from Herot, and he knew that he would either save the Danes' or die trying. On the other hand, Gilgamesh had no reason to fight the monster besides selfish intentions, such as immortality.
