Literature Class of 2014

Literature Class of 2014
Fyffe Senior bloggers worked on Battle of the Royal Epics

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Armor : A Great Protector

Through the extensive reading I have done on Beowulf and the Iliad, I have come to the conclusion that armor during this time was extremely important. In Beowulf we read that throughout the many wars he fought with monsters, his mail shirt, or armor, was the one thing that kept him alive. For instance, in lines 624 and 625, it discusses the fact that if it weren't for his mail armor protecting him, the blade that Grendel's mother tried to stab into him would have killed him. We see this same importance of armor in the Iliad. Had it not been for Achilles knowing the armor that Hector was wearing, he might not have been able to kill him. Armor was important in many ways, and these were just a few.


  1. I found this post interesting because it's the first one I've seen that focuses on the armor. Armor was really important back during these times not just for protection but also had a lot to do with honor and family. Even though I'm sure the armor from these two epics differ greatly.

  2. I agree completely, the armor saves both Beowulf and Achilles lives. I also like what Graeham added about the armor having so much meaning behind it because of it being passed down from older family members. So I really like that you chose to write about the armor being so important.
