Literature Class of 2014

Literature Class of 2014
Fyffe Senior bloggers worked on Battle of the Royal Epics

Thursday, October 3, 2013

What I Learned

By doing this blog, I feel like it helped teach me how to be an active member of a blog. It also really helped me understand the three epics that we have read in class. My favorite thing that I learned about the stories by doing this blog was, how significant the armor was in Beowulf and The Iliad. In both of these stories, we talked about how the armor is very important because it is passed down through family members. In Beowulf ,we read how his mail shirt, or armor, saved his life in numerous battles and in The Iliad, we learned that since Achilles new the armor that Hector was wearing, it gave an advantage and he was able to kill Hector. So by doing this blog I feel that there were several things that I realized about the these three stories that I had not realized when we talked about it in class.

Achilles killing Hector

An example of Beowulf's Mail Shirt

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